Termigard® Plus Cebo en polvo | Cuidado de madera | Quimunsa

Termigard® Plus Powder Bait

Powdered termiticide bait

Biochemical treatment in the form of cellulose powder bait impregnated with the active ingredient Diflubenzuron for termite control. To be placed on the floor and wall stations.

Cellulose has an extraordinary appetite and attraction for termites. Creates a perfect and homogeneous contact surface with termites.

Registration according to the new European regulation 528/2012

Classified as NO PBT (not persistent not bioaccumulative)

TERMIGARD® obtained the CTB P+ certification, issued by the prestigious French technology center FCBA.

Certificate available at ctbp+.fr


(*) Always use biocides safely. Read the label carefully before using the product.