CORPOL MATACARCOMA SPRAY | Cuidado madera | Consumo doméstico | Quimunsa

CORPOL Woodworm Matacarcoma Spray

Antixylophagous treatment for wood. Indicated for the treatment of woodworm and moth. Eliminates insects and prevents new infestations. Treatment both to prevent and to cure wood already attacked by xylophagous insects.

Ideal for furniture and small areas.

Aerosol 500 ml

(*) Always use biocides safely. Read the label carefully before using the product.


  • Extraordinary power and penetration in the wood.
  • For new and old wood indoors and outdoors.
  • Compatible with stains, varnishes and paint.
  • Colorless, does not alter the color of the wood.

How to use

Application on wood. With cannula to apply over the holes.